Year: 2021 
Production Time: ~1 month
Created With: Twine

Role: Storytelling (Galea-Strand)
In this hypertext-game the player finds themself in a fantastical world with two opposing kingdoms. But in this story the player does not embody the protagonist, more so a squire looking for hire. The story is multi-linear, starting to diverge in two paths with the player choosing one of the two hiring heros Galea or Angus Axton. Sikharin Meier and me created the strand for Galea together, while Anna-Lena Pontet and Kevin Egli worked on Angus’s Strand. Moreno Vogel worked on combining both strands together and took care of programming.

The narrative revolves around the fight between the two kingdoms of humans and cyclops many years ago. Depending on which side the player chooses at the start a different narrative of the war is being laid out. Only when listening to both sides of the story the player can make themselves a cohesive picture of what went down during this time.

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