Year: 2021 
Production Time: (Current Project)
Created With: Unity, Aseprite, FMOD, Botpress

Role: Lead Artist(2D/3D/UI and UX), Programming, Narrative and Content Design

Music by: Jonas Füllemann and Paul Schmidt
For our bachelor project me and my fellow student Anna-Lena Pontet worked together to create a modern text-adventure. The player finds themself in a mystical forest and gets the prompt to walk out of the door. In order to get the key however they have to solve a series of puzzles.

While the game is very calm and normal throughout the fist act, the mood drastically changes when the player reaches the door. The avatar resists the player's control whilst showing them the distorted world they’ve been living in. In this second act the mechanics of the game shift to a conversation between the avatar and the player.

The game's theme revolves around isolation, human psyche and control. The avatar can be interpreted as any part of the player's subconsciousness which they try to hide away and distract with mundane tasks. The story is vague enough to let the player read into the game themself and connect with the story in their unique way.

We are currently working on this project so the following are either concepts and/or are partially unfinished.

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